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Jan 1, 2013

How to Restore Default File Extension Type Associations in Windows 8 - AppzHacker

Here's How:

1. Click/tap on the link of the file extension or protocol in the table below that you would like to restore the default associations of to download it's .reg file.

2. Save the .reg file to your desktop.

3. Double click/tap on the downloaded .reg file to Merge it.

4. If prompted, click/tap on Run, Yes (UAC), Yes, and OK.

Tip   Tip
  • If you are signed in as a standard user account, then you will also get a Cannot import type error. Just click/tap OK for it. This is normal since what cannot be imported can only be done so by an administrator account instead. It will still restore the default associations of the file extension if the standard user used Open with to select the wrong program to open the file with.
  • If the .reg file is not able to Merge, then double check in Default Programs to make sure that the .reg file extension has it's Current Default program set as Registry Editor (C:\Windows\regedit.exe). Afterwards, try merging the .reg file again.

5. Sign out and in, or restart the computer to apply.

6. If you are logged in as a standard user and this still does not help, then have the administrator also merge the needed .reg file for the listed file extension or protocol below while logged into their administrator account.

7. When finished, you can delete the downloaded .reg file if you like.

Default Windows 8 File Associations:

File Type or Protocol Default Program Description
.3gp Video app Audio and video container format developed by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP); designed as a multimedia format for transmitting audio and video files between 3G cell phones and over the Internet; commonly used by mobile phones that support video capture.
.avi Video app Audio Video Interleave (AVI) files
Windows batch file
.bmp Photos app Bitmap image files
Generic data file created by a specific application; typically accessed only by the application that created the file; may contain data in text or binary format; text-based DAT files can be viewed in a text editor.
Directory protocol associations
Executable application files
All folders except library folder
.gif Photos app Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image files
.htm Internet Explorer HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) document files
.html Internet Explorer HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) document files
.ico Windows Photo Viewer Icon file
CD or DVD image file
Disk image file
.jpe Photos app Compressed image format standardized by the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
.jpeg Photos app Compressed image format standardized by the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
.jpg Photos app Compressed image format standardized by the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
Library folder
.lnk (LNK)
.mp3 Music app MP3 sound format file
.mp4 Video app MPEG-4 movie file
.msu Windows Update Standalone installer Windows Update Standalone Package
.pdf Reader app Portable Document Format (PDF) File
.theme Personalization CPL Windows Theme File
.themepack Personalization CPL Windows Theme Pack File
.txt Notepad Text files
.url Internet Explorer Internet website shortcut
Virtual Hard Disk image file
.wav Music app Wave audio file
.wmv Video app Windows Media Audio/Video file
Compressed folders

-MEHUL PATEL - http://www.FB.com/GujaratiKanudo

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