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Nov 9, 2009

How to Remove ESET Antivirus When Forgot It's Password

Sometimes ago I managed to install a demo version of nod32 server management console and a few clients then during the initial configuration I add a simple password to make it more secure and as you may guess by the title the password did not work later so the anti virus wouldn't uninstall!.
after a few Research on PC, I came up to this solution :

  • Open registry (Start > Run > Regedit)
  • Follow the keys to this value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Eset\Nod\CurrentVersion\Info\PackageID
  • Right click and rename the PackageID thing to something else like packageID1 (you may have to restart in safe mode to be able to change the name).
  • Restart and it's done, now you can uninstall it.

Other Research..
  • Possible KEY is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Info
  • PackageID is DWord and its value is your encrypted password of ESET config.
  • You can ReName it or Delete and ESET Password will be Removed and u can set new or UnInstall ESET as well.
  • Have to ADMINISTRATOR rights to do in WindowsVista-7-8(no need safe mode)

Thank You,

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