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Sep 2, 2004

Disable Search from looking in ".zip" (compressed) files

Windows XP Search can get slow if you have a lot of compressed files on your hard drive. Speed up your searches by disabling this.

Open the Run command and type the following:

regsvr32 c:\winnt\\system32\zipfldr.dll /u or

regsvr32 c:\windows\\system32\zipfldr.dll /u if installed in the windows directory

To turn this feature back on: 
regsvr32 c:\winnt\\system32\zipfldr.dll or 
regsvr32 c:\windows\\system32\zipfldr.dll if installed in the windows directory

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;          Brought to you bY MEHUL PATEL
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;  ;) MEHUL PATEL, SEP2K04. AppZHacker@GMail.com
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